What is NIOS ?
NIOS is an “Open School” that caters to the needs of a heterogeneous group of learners up to pre-degree level. It was started as a project with in-built flexibilities by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in 1979. In 1986, the National Policy on Education suggested strengthening of Open School System for extending open learning facilities in a phased manner at secondary level all over the country as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to certification.
Consequently, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India set up the National Open School (NOS) in November 1989. The pilot project of CBSE on Open School was amalgamated with NOS. Through a Resolution (No. F.5-24/90 Sch.3 dated 14 September 1990 published in the Gazette of India on 20 October 1990), the National Open School (NOS) was vested with the authority to register, examine and certify students registered with it up to pre-degree level courses. In July 2002, the Ministry of Human Resource Development amended the nomenclature of the organisation from the National Open School (NOS) to the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) with a mission to provide relevant continuing education at school stage, up to pre-degree level through Open Learning system to prioritized client groups as an alternative to formal system, in pursuance of the normative national policy documents and in response to the need assessments of the people, and through it to make its share of contribution:
- To universalisation of education,
- To greater equity and justice in society, and
- To the evolution of a learning society.
What does NIOS do?
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) provides opportunities to interested learners by making available the following Courses/Programmes of Study through open and distance learning (ODL) mode.
Open Basic Education (OBE) Programme for 14+ years age group, adolescents and adults at A, B and C levels that are equivalent to classes III, V and VIII of the formal school systems.
Secondary Education Course
Senior Secondary Education Course
Vocational Education Courses/Programmes
Life Enrichment Programmes
Envisages schooling by providing a learning continuum based on graded curriculum ensuring quality of education for children, neo-literates, school drop-outs/left-outs and NFE completers.
For implementation of OBE programme, the NIOS has partnership with about 853 Agencies providing facilities at their study centres. It is a sort of academic input relationship with partnering agencies. The NIOS provides resource support (such as adaptation of NIOS model curricula, study materials, joint certification, orientation of Resource Persons and popularisation of OBE) to the voluntary agencies and Zila Saksharta Samities (ZSSs) etc., for implementation of its OBE programme.
At the Secondary and Senior Secondary levels, NIOS provides flexibility in the choice of subjects/courses, pace of learning, and transfer of credits from CBSE, some Board of School Education and State Open Schools to enable learner’s continuation. A learner is extended as many as nine chances to appear in public examinations spread over a period of five years. The credits gained are accumulated till the learner clears required credits for certification. The learning strategies include; learning through printed self-instructional material, audio and video programmes, participating in personal contact programme (PCP), and Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA). Enrichment is also provided to the learners through the half yearly magazine “Open Learning”.
The Study Material is made available in English, Hindi and Urdu mediums. The On-Demand Examination System (ODES) is in operation at Secondary and Senior Secondary stage. NIOS offers 28 subjects in eight mediums (Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi, Telugu, Gujarati, Malayalam and Odia) for Secondary Examinations and 28 subjects in Hindi, English, Urdu, Bengali and Odia mediums for Senior Secondary Examinations. Besides these, NIOS has provision of offering Vocational subjects in combination with Academic subjects at secondary stage and 20 vocational subjects in combination with Academic subjects at Senior Secondary level.
Acknowledging the fact that the young entrepreneurs will be the wealth of the nation, the learner friendly Vocational Education programmes of NIOS provide excellent prospects for the learners. It offers Vocational Education programmes in different areas such as Agriculture, Business and Commerce, Engineering and Technology, Health and Paramedical, Home Science and Hospitality Management, Teacher Training, Computer and IT related sectors, Life Enrichment Programmes and General Services. Knowledge, skills and qualities of entrepreneurship have been made essential components in curricula for Vocational Education with emphasis on practical and on the job training in related industrial units.
NIOS operates through a network of five Departments, 23 Regional Centres, two Sub Regional Centres, two NIOS Cells, and more than 7400 Study Centres (AIs/AVIs) spread all over the country and abroad. NIOS is the largest Open Schooling system in the world with cumulative enrolment of 4.13 million (during last 5 years).
Niosaca is among few Nios centre who have highest pass % students. Niosaca have professional and trained faculty who understand the requirement of weaker or average students and they educate them accordingly. In short span of time Niosaca is among the popular NIOS institute. Niosaca is open for franchisee and with the popularity they have gained in last 3 year, franchisee will definitely be profitable in short span of time.
About Niosaca
Niosaca (Acceleration Academy) was initiated by 2 passionate entrepreneurs Thambiraj and Daniel in the year 2017. It was Thambiraj’s brainchild and Daniel join the same to make it successful. It was difficult in the beginning as they both were new to this business, without having appropriate exposure and know how to run this business successfully. Over the years they mastered this and have built a very successful profitable business model for themselves. . Niosaca has success stories of more than 200 students over the ast 3 years who have passed their board exams through the academy. This we believe is the start of showing the path to millions of students who want to get a pass degree to move up in their lives.
Key Executive Profile
Mr. Thambiraj: He started his journey as a tuition teacher in a popular coaching academy. His passion to become an entrepreneur in the education field pushed him to launch this exclusive brand ‘Niosaca’ (previously known as Acceleration Academy) along with their website www.niosacademy.com . He started Niosaca in 2017 with his friend Daniel. 200+ students have passed in the last 3 years as a result of their hard work and dedication. Their vision is to educate a million students in India and make them 100% literate and to ensure that they make a decent livelihood.
A Few Of Our Current Offerings:
Secondary Course This Course is equivalent to the Xth standard. You can choose subjects from the Scheme of Studies. However, you will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with at least one language or almost two languages, which is compulsory for certification. Senior Secondary Course This Course is designed for those who have passed the Xth standard or equivalent examination from a recognised Board and would like to continue their education towards a Senior Secondary Certification, equivalent to XII standard. You will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with at least one language or atmost two languages, which is compulsory for Certification.